What is Jealousy:
Jealousy is a strong negative emotions. Jealousy comes to mind when you see someone is appreciated much more than you, But you do not accept that he is doing better than you. This non-acceptance that he is appreciated means he must be doing something better than you causes the jealousy. If you accept that he must be doing something extra so he is appreciated will shift your thinking to learning mode. You will learn from him how he is doing better than you. This may help you improve your life. On the other hand you will keep distance of that person and keep on burning inside seeing his success. So Accept it and work on it to change your life.
Causes of Jealousy:
As we have discussed jealousy is an emotion and it’s natural. Nothing wrong with getting jealous. No body in this world can say he never got jealous in his life. The actual problem is the reaction of jealousy. Sometimes is cause damage to the jealous person or sometimes the other person suffered a lot due to the jealousy of other person. There are many cause of jealousy.
We all are unique in this world. No two persons will have same qualities or abilities. If someone is good at something then other person may be good at something. We can not compare both. Comparisons makes feel low and the other person feels ignored and neglected. This creates jealousy in mind and he tries to prove himself better than other person in many ways. if he can not prove he may try other way to bring that person down, this is the severe damage of comparisons.
2-Lack of appreciation:
All human being wants to be appreciated and praised before other people. It feels good and motivates you to do good at work. If you never appreciate the work of a person he becomes demotivated and frustrated in life. He thinks himself as stupid. When he sees other persons are appreciated he will get jealous. Appreciate the work if you see something lacking just guide him doing better. In this way that person will be motivated and will do him work more attentively.
3-Insult before others:
Many people do this mistake of insulting before others. This insult causes a storm in the mind and that insulted person can not get out of it. He thinks other people will think bad about him after that insult. This insult causes anger in him and when he see someone did not got insulted for the same mistake he got jealous of that person.
Everyone wants love and affection in life. If you give love and affections but in return you are not getting that much affection you will get jealous.
5-Not accepting yourself:
Whatever you do, whatever you look like always accept yourself fully. If you think other person is doing good not me who will help you. Better you learn skills and do well. If you do not accept your looks and thinks other is more beautiful than you, you will feel jealous. I must say all these are just foolishness.
Effect of Jealousy on your life:
Jealousy does not come once. It is a process. When you see you are not getting what other person is getting you will feel anger first. You try to ignore it and think I will work hard and do better than him. But still if you feel neglected and insulted before other you feel hatred and betrayed. This hatred burns you inside and gradually it becomes jealousy. You loose your focus on your work and your all focus is shifted to that particular person. First you want to copy that person so that you will get all rewards or appreciations he gets every time. As we all know we are all unique so copying some other person can not make you that person. Rather you loose your identity and personality and as a result you fail miserably. This failure breaks you inside and all your anger and jealousy pour upon that person. Actually that person has no fault he is living his life and doing his work in his own way. As you can not do as he does you become jealous. Now what will you do he is doing good and everyone is appreciating him. Instead of improving yourself and learn from himself you will distance yourself from him. There will be evil ideas in your mind about how to insult him before others. This attitude makes you rude and no body likes you. Slowly other people will distance themselves from you. You will be all alone. You will loose your confidence and self esteem. This is the starting of your falling down. Your attitude becomes so rude and you never trust anybody that no body likes you. You will feel insecure and lonely always. Jealousy burns you inside. You become a complete different person which you never wanted to become. Sometimes in your mind sucidal ideas may come. Your mindset becomes so negative that you will see only negative in everything and criticize. This attitude will put you in trouble as you loose friends and no body likes to talk to you. Your focus, your goal in life, your career all are gone due to this jealousy and negative attitude. You can not trust anybody and always feel everyone is talking about you only. Your life becomes hell. You will face failure again and again in every aspect of your life. The jealousy in your heart will put a black shadow on your mind that you can not see any positivity in life. You only notice failure and pain and no opportunities. The world seems to you very painful and you will find excuses for your failure. You will start blaming others for your failure. You will never work on yourself to improve your condition .You will stuck in your life and keep watching others overtaking you in life. You will be paralyzed mentally. You will stay in a position in your comfort zone. You will be so much addicted to that comfort zone that you will never try to break it and move forward in your life.
How to Get over the Jealousy:
Remember Jealousy only eats up your beauty. Have some faith in yourself, you got something that other people don’t. Jealousy is natural but it is always unnecessary. It is in our mind. In your mind if you feel insecure, neglected, judgmental, unpraised you got jealous. So in reality there is nothing like jealous it is the creation of your mind only. Your mind keep telling you he is better than you, he is looking better than you and making you feel jealous. Actually Jealousy is the fear of rejection. Just remember anger, hatred and jealousy never solve problems of life, but affection, concern and respect can do it. Getting over jealousy is easy too. It is not rocket science. With patience and practice you can break the cage of jealousy and live a happy life and can do whatever you want in life.
Accept yourself fully the way you are. Enjoy your own company. Love yourself unconditionally. Comparisons is a very foolish attitude, Because each person is unique and incomparable. Once this attitude settles in your mind jealousy disappears. If you want to be appreciated and praise do the best in your field. Always be with people who will lift you up and push you towards your goal. Learn from that person who is doing best in that field. Always be in a learning attitude. Do not be with the people who gossip about others. Appreciate others and celebrate others victory yours day will come. Success comes to those who appreciate success. When others succeed, you should be happy. If they can do it, so can you. The success of others does not, in any way, lessen the chances of you succeeding. If anything, it should motivate you to keep pushing forward.
Bottom line:
Try not to feel jealous about things, or people or places. It’s toxic. Just keep living. You will find your happiness. Your heart is a garden. Never allow hatred, anger and jealousy like weeds to grow. Always plant flowers like love, appreciation, affection and make your life pleasant and successful.