Parent and child :
The Parent-Child Relationship is one that nurtures the physical, emotional and social development of the child. But, there is a little connection between parents and child in every generation. A very few will agree that parents and child has a friendly connection. Both parents and child think that it is generation gap always and convince ourselves that it is natural in everywhere. But the actual fact it that parent and child relations is very strong and friendly. If your own child is not friendly with you and hesitate to share his life issues then it’s your problem in upbringing him. You can see many parents and child bond is so friendly that their child never hesitate to share anything with them while your child never done such. Have you asked yourself why that is happening to you? You all will surely admit that You have lied to our parents before. Presently, you are searching for a method to break the chain. You want your child must not do the same as you have done in your young days. You want your child must be very close to you and open to you .You want to let your child know that you are here not to scold but to understand. It is difficult to convey really to a baby, young person or juvenile.
What can be done? For what reason it is difficult for a kid to tell his parents everything? Indeed put yourself in that situation. For what reason you wouldn’t be able to tell your parents regarding your dissatisfactions at school, humiliated by friends, cheated by elders and demotivated by many persons and the list goes on. It is because you believe they wouldn’t understand your situation or may be there is no trust and openness.
Importance of Communication:
Communication is the ability to send and receive information. People can not live without communicating with each other. Because it is way for an individual to feel a part of a group. Family is the first and the most important group a child is exposed to.
A unit that teaches a person on the good and bad methods of conduct while distinguishing ones’ wants and needs. You can likewise say, a family is equivalent to a soccer group where the guardians’ the mentor while the kids are the players. The communication is of two types verbal and non-verbal. When a child tells or asks for something to his parent we have to observe his verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbal focuses on what you say while Non-verbal is the action you show. Non-verbal communication can show the real side of an individual.
Verbal can be manipulated but non-verbal is like a hint of what a person really feels.
There are 5 steps on communicating effectively with your children:
1-Make it a Habit:
It’s vital to show your kid the ways of behaving you believe that they should bring when
they’re mature enough. making a habit of sitting down and speaking with your kid is an incredible practice to powerful communication. You and your family can have dinner together telling about your day or may go on holiday together to spend quality time with your child.
2-Show Interest:
One reason why kids don’t tell is on the ground that they think you will not be interested to listen. You should show interest by putting your phone away and carefully listen to what he is talking about. Your child should feel special while you listen. He should feel that you care for him and give value to his words.
3-You should stop comparing:
Comparison is a slow poison for a child. If you compare your child to others he does not hate you, but he hates himself. By comparing your child you are making your child feel that he is not good enough for you. It always creates a boundary for the child to open up. This can hurt their self-esteem, which is something you certainly don’t want. If you want to open up with your child then accept him and appreciate him the way he is. Motivate him and help him to do better next time. Build a trust within your child for you.
4-Avoid Threats:
Every child want love and affection. If you want to control your child by threatening him then you are wrong. You are making him compact and he will not open up with yourself. Threatening is the easy way but it is not the best way to treat the child. Repeated threat makes the child fearful and he will not try anything new or never experiment in life. His life becomes boring and he will live in fear for everything that comes to his way. An alternative is by letting your child be aware on the dangers and let him explain the consequences.
5-Assist and guide:
Being a parent does not mean your only responsibility is to pay your child’s education and needs. You also need to look on ways of guiding your child at the right path. Teach your child the moral values and honesty. Teach him to do his work himself. Encourage him and stand by him side when he is feeling low. Suggest him ways to solve problems.
If you follow all these above 5 ways you can see the difference in your child’s behavior.
Your child will not only feel that his/her parents care but is willing to offer a helping hand. Even in, as little as homework or chores.
How to Create a strong bond with your child:
Creating a strong bond is not done overnight. utmost parents resort to dominant parenthood which makes children feel uncomfortable. A strong bond is present when both parent and child cares to understand consider each other’s passions. Positive relationships with children are based on being in the moment, spending quality time and building trust. Your relationship with your child will change and develop as your child grows and develops.
Five principles to a strong parent-child relationship:
Accept this fact, your child is unique comparing them to another isn’t applicable.
Children who feel accepted by their parents have a better more secure relationship with their parents, a heightened sense of family connectedness, higher self-esteem and fewer psychosocial challenges, such as anxiety and depression. Each child is capable of learning, it’s just how fast or slow it is.
Children whose parents take part in activities together, build a positive sense of self-worth. Children feel that their parents value them, and this increases positivity and self-esteem. A strong bond won’t bloom if you don’t talk to each other. Spending quality time together brings the child and parents close to each other. It creates a friendly environment at home.
Doubting your child means you will not give them importance and freedom. Trust your child because it’s your upbringing. If you are doubting your child means your upbringing is not right according to you. Your child will feel secure when he learns he can trust you and other main caregivers to meet their requirements. This sense of safety and security gives your child confidence to explore the world. Trust and respect come further of a two- way road as your child gets aged.
Encouragement teaches children to estimate themselves on their own graces. When grown-ups give children with feedback about what they’re doing, the children learn to estimate themselves without comparing their sweats and successes to those of others. A parent needs to be there in times when their child does not believe in themselves. Play the part of a cheerleader, keep motivating and logic out the positive factors of failing.
5-Physical connection:
An child needs their mama ‘s warmth to survive. Every child needs an assurance on their parents, a simple stroke or clinch is enough to make your child feel safe. Studies have set up that those children who had more physical contact to their parents are more likely to have high self-esteem and pride than those who don’t.
The Parent-Child Relationship is one that nurtures the physical, emotional and social development of the child. It is a unique bond that every child and parent will can enjoy and nurture. This relationship lays the foundation for the child’s personality, life choices and overall behavior. It’s your responsibility what you want to make your child in his life. The ability to help a child succeed by giving clear directions, setting boundaries, offering opportunities to choose and negotiate, requesting age-appropriate behaviors and responses, accommodating individual learning style needs, giving opportunities to self-manage and staying in present time.