Now a days it is not an easy task to concentrate. So many distractions are there. Mobile notifications, emails, WhatsApp chats, Facebook notifications are distracting young people much. I am not saying to stop all these, it is not practically possible now a days. Because we are living in a rapidly growing information technology era. We can not live without information. There is a competition among all who can gather more information. So avoiding mobiles totally not possible. We have to live with it and have to concentrate our work or study too. It is much more important too for our life and career. In Mahabharat there is a story of Arjun and his concentration, but that time there were not too much distraction as of now a days. That time it was comparatively easy to concentrate than now a days. The pressure of situation, work load, load of study on students, worry, anxiety, fear of failure, overthinking and hopelessness affects our concentration much more. We know if you want success in life, without concentration not possible. If you want to ride the ladder of success the you should march with your concentration as a guide.

            On the way to your goal you have to fight with the obstacles. During that fight you have to take care of your concentration. Because there will come many distractions on your way. That will try to distract you from your actual goal. But you have to keep it sharp and focused. Otherwise you will get frustration and nothing in life but failure again and again. Without concentration you can go no where in life because you do not know where to go and always be confused. Concentration is key to march towards the success. You have to focus on your goal and march with concentration. What ever obstacles come on your way they can not distract you from your goal.

           Concentration is the act of focusing one’s attention. When you concentrate, you focus your mental effort on one subject, thought or object. While doing so, you exclude any unrelated feelings, thoughts, ideas or sensations. Learning how to concentrate at work is essential for succeeding in your career. Concentration means focused attention, and it has many uses and benefits. It assists in studying, enables faster comprehension, improves the memory, helps in focusing on a task, job or goal, and enables you to ignore meaningless and irrelevant thoughts. Tiredness and emotional stress can cause concentration problems in most people.  Rare conditions that affect the brain and some emotional problems as well as endocrinology disturbances can also influence an individual’s cognitive functions and thus impair concentration.

      You can learn how to focus. Like any skill, concentration increases with practice.  Practice is the key. As we are common and ordinary men, we can not do as the great saints have done to concentrate. It will not practically possible now a days. They had super powers and they can control their thoughts and mind. Hence that way they are following will not help us. If we try to follow their way of concentration we fail and become frustrate. It’s better to follow simple steps, when we gradually improve our concentration then we can practice their ways.

How to Practice Concentration:

1-While walking count how many steps you walked. That time do not think any other things. It will help you increasing concentration. It will make your mind relax and help in concentration.

2-Do not make your mind like a paper floating in air. To keep your mind concentrate and alert keep it open and strong. When you are doing one work concentrate on that only and never think of other works.

3-Some people talk too much and waste their energy. If you want to increase your concentration then you have to avoid excess talking and unnecessary gossiping. This will keep your mind calm and help in increasing concentration.

4-Try to focus the wall clock for 2 minutes and observe the movements of needles. At that time never think anything else just observe the needle. At first it will be painful but by practice it will help you increase your concentration.

5-Read a paragraph of a book. Then closing the book try to recite what you have read loudly. Try this you can find the result in one month. Your concentration must have increased.

6-This is the most effective way to increase your concentration. That is meditation. You have to try this in early morning at least 2-3 minute in starting. You can gradually increase it’s duration with practice.

       Age and lack of sleep can affect concentration. Most people forget things more readily as they age, and decreased concentration can accompany memory loss. Head or brain injuries, such as concussion, as well as certain mental health conditions can also affect concentration.

Concentration for study:

1-Select a calm and clean place to study. Because place has much effect on your mind.

2-Fix your study time and make a plan what you have to study.

3-How to finish your course make a time managed plan and strictly follow it. Never procrastinate while studying. Always have a positive attitude while studying.

4-Always remember the main goal of your study and always do a self assessment test to your self. Give rewards to yourself for your progress.

5-Continuous study makes irritate and boring. Take a short break but remember that your break time never exceed your study time. You can take break of 10 minutes after 1.5 hr study not more. Otherwise you will loose interest in study and you will be distracted from your main goal.

6-Never think of the result while studying it will create fear and anxiety while studying. Just be confident and study well the result will be good according to your study.

7-Do not fear any subject. Try to understand it and make small small steps and study small parts of this chapter and go on.

        Your concentration will help you achieve any goal you want. Be confident and believe in yourself that you can do it. This will gradually help you change your life and have a bright future.