In life if your confidence is shaken life is going to be shaken too.It is not the true that some people have confidence and some do not have it.Those who do not have confidence their main problem is they can not bring the confidence from inside to out.
              So there is some tips for those who have confidence inside and who  want to bring it out.There are some tips that will help to make your self confidence and also help to grow it.
(1)-When we get any work or assignment,we always think how to do the best.But we always forget that the main aim is to finish the work or assignment.We should aim at completing the task.If we    complete the assignment we will cross one step in our confidence level.So first of all complete  the task,confidence will come automatically.
(2)-Never compare yourself with anybody.Always compare yourself with you only.Always ask   yourself are you better today than you were yesterday.When we compare our-self with others we loose our confidence.Everybody is different and unique.
(3)-Always break your goals into small goals.We can cross one by one these small goals and our confidence gradually increases.So approach the goal in stages.
(4)-To know and recognize yourself is a very tremendous thing in life.But to discover yourself in much  more amazing thing in life.The problem is we always bind our-self and confine with boundary. We think we can do this and we can not do that etc.Always try new things in life.If you try new things you may discover new talents within yourself which you have never known  before.This will boost your confidence.
(5)-Sometimes over confidence is the cause of low confidence.If something is not going good at work  we should have think that may be we have not gained enough knowledge for the work to do.Perhaps we should do some research before doing that work.Deepen your knowledge about the subject.Always accept the weakness within yourself and try to improve.As soon as we accept   our weakness we try to improve the knowledge and when our knowledge grows our confidence grows.
(6)-Health plays the major role in gaining our confidence.But we never care for it and always take it  for granted.Always take care of your physical and mental health.If you are not healthy you will not feel good about yourself and you will not feel excited to do anything.This lowers your confidence.
(7) If something is not done or you faced failure,do not be too harsh to yourself.Sometimes we become too harsh to our self. When  a kid  fails in something we never become harsh to him  rather we encourage him to try better next time.Like this we should encourage our self. Tell   yourself ‘it’s OK’ often.
(8)-Our confidence goes down because before starting a work we have the fear of failure.But remember failure is not that bad as we think.The meaning of failure is second chance.If you fail there will be no body with you,but you do not need anybody if you are with yourself.You have to become the best friend of yourself.You have to stand for yourself.Never be afraid of failure.
(9)-While working on something or completing assignment in our mind one thing is running  constantly what others will think.If they appreciate it or not.All our confidence goes in thinking like this.Forget what others think of your performance.Your performance do not need anybody’s approval.It does not matter what others think about you,but it really mattes what you think  about  yourself.If you are confident at your job and if you do it honestly definitely it will be wonderful.
(10)-What you do when you are free or at your leisure time.some hobbies must be there to do at spare times.Because when your life is in a fixed way it becomes boring.When life becomes boring we loose interest in life and also loose confidence too.So to increase confidence do  those   things what you like the most and enjoy the most.
(11) We always put pictures in social media and waits for how many likes and comments are coming.  We wait for others validations.Always get yourself out of it.No need to anybody’s validation.Love yourself and accept yourself as you are.Believe yourself.No need of any body’s likes only need your own tums up to yourself.