What is Abuse:

Abuse is the improper usage or treatment of a thing, often to unfairly or improperly gain benefit. Abuse can come in many forms, such as: physical or verbal maltreatment, injury, assault, violation, rape, unjust practices, crimes, or other types of aggression.
            Abuse is defined as any action that intentionally harms or injures another person.  In short, someone who purposefully harms another in any way is committing abuse. There are many kinds of abuse encountered by adults, including: physical abuse.
           By far the most visible form of abuse is physical abuse. This kind of abuse is condemned by almost everyone and it is estimated that one in four women are victims of this kind of abuse. The most common forms of abuse include hitting, throwing and scalding, even suffocation is on the list. Generally we consider Physical abuse as abuse only. But there is another kind of abuse which is not visible to our eyes but can do much more harm to a person. It can break the person from inside.

Emotional Abuse:

As we all know we human beings are emotional by nature. Emotion takes a major part in our life. We connect to people through emotions. Love, hate, praise, surprise, affections are different form of emotions only. Our life is full of emotions only. All our relations are attached to emotions. Where there is no emotions there will be no relations no bonding.
An emotional abuse can be as tormenting as a physical abuse affecting one’s mental health. It can be accompanied with other forms of abuse like physical, sexual, social & financial abuses etc. It leaves a person with lack of confidence, self-esteem & self image issues. The motive behind such abuses is to exert control over a person, their actions & thoughts thus making them dependent and vulnerable.
An emotionally abusive relationship can be between any two or more relationships and doesn’t really have to be marital.
Unlike physical abuse, emotional abuse can remain hidden and unidentified for a long time. Though having equally serious mental health effects. It is important to timely identify the signs and seek correct help. The victims of an emotional abuse are left with low confidence levels, low self esteem, self doubt, body image issue, self image issues, depression, anxiety etc.

Signs Of Emotionally Abusive Relationship:

1-They Do not respect Your Boundaries:

Every individual has a right to have his/her personal space or boundaries irrespective of their relationship status. It is important to respect each other’s personal boundaries. You may have different likes & dislikes. An emotionally abusive partner tries to force situations as per his convince and liking always giving little or no importance to other person’s comfort.

2-Are Always Criticizing:

An emotionally abusive person will not appreciate you, no matter how hard you try to make him happy. He tries to criticize your thoughts and actions thus demoralizing you and Always shattering your confidence levels. Being constantly unappreciated leaves you with self doubts.

3-Controls You:

             An Abusive person always want everything to happen as per their wish and command. He leave you with no choices but to work according to his whims and fancies. He may even control your personal life greatly from what you wear, how you behave, whom you meet and even where you go. He may always control your finances and social life.

4-Gas-Light You:

               Gas lighting is a psychological term which means emotionally manipulating a person by giving false information to provoke him/her. He may use terms like “I told you so”, “You don’t remember what you said or did”, “You are a mad” etc. He will make you believe how you are wrong and try to manipulate you.

5-You are Not Comfortable Around Them:

Whenever you are around an emotionally abusive person, you don’t feel a sense of belonging and comfort. You start feeling afraid of Them. They always leave you confused and vulnerable. You feel neglected and not “your self” in such relationship.

6-Verbally Abusive And Insulting:

The red flag sign of an emotionally abusive relationship is lack of freedom and independence. A person who is verbally abusive, publicly humiliate and insults you, leaves your self respect shattered. Such persons leave no stone unturned to direct insensitive jokes about you. They may comment on your looks and appearance. Thus shaming you personally and publicly.